The Australian Standard for Autoclave Validation [ Autoclave Validation AS 5369 2023 ] has been updated, and there are a few key things you need to be aware of.

We have always maintained, even with the old standard, that performing the validation process, always meant the following:

  • Run 3 [three] full cycles using 3 x biological indicators per cycle, with calibrated data loggers [calibrated by an official NATA certified business] – by the service technician

For those who engage us to do their autoclave validation, know we stay on-site, and perform the whole process from start to finish.

The updated standard now says the below are mandatory requirements:

  1. Run a full vacuum test – by the service technician
  2. Run a full bowie dick test – by the service technician
  3. Run 3 [three] full cycles using 3 x biological indicators per cycle, with calibrated data loggers [calibrated by an official NATA certified business] – by the service technician
  4. The service technician’s data loggers must be calibrated yearly by an approved NATA certified business

This means, that the company you engage to perform your annual validation, as part of your accreditation must stay on site, for the whole validation, and not ask your staff to perform the last 2 [two] cycles.

You must ensure they adhere to this, and if they are not, you also must report this. Your accreditation is important to keep your business running. Do not allow companies to skip these steps. It is your right, to insist they stay on-site to perform this task, it’s what you are paying for!

The Autoclave Validation AS 5369 2023 is clear on this. At First Response Dental, the validation certificate we will send you has the certification number for our data loggers. We have always stayed on-site for the 3 cycles, as we’ve always understood the standard to mean the same person to run all 3 cycles for continuity.

We take this seriously and want to ensure all our clients are never in jeopardy of losing their accreditation because we are not following the law.

Need your autoclaved validated? Contact us now, and we can get a service technician out to you, and you will know you are in good hands.